Below are some of the most common questions I get asked about grooming your dog 


How often should my dog get groomed ? 

It depends on the breed of dog and how much time is spent on home grooming.As a general rule most breeds should be groomed and have their nails clipped at lease every 12 weeks to keep the skin and coat healthy.Many  longer coated breeds should vist the salon more regulary to prevent matting, between 4 - 8 week are recomended for breeds like Bichon, Shih Tzu, poodles etc. 


Should I still have  my dog groomed as much during the winter ?

 Yes, it is just as important to care for your dogs coat and skin .Muddy wet fur becomes matted far more easily. Matted coats don't dry out properly causing dogs to get cold and can start off skin problems. If your dog is an indoor pet then it is actuall kinder to keep them short so they do not overheat when the heating is on. Putting a coat on your dog when out on a walk will help to keep them warm , clean and dry. Imagine how uncomfortable it would be wearing your winter coat in the house and not being able to remove it.


My dog gets really dirty, is it ok to bath him at home ?

Yes, so long as they are fully brushed and dried after to prevent matts from forming.


A dogs skin P.H if different from ours, a human shampoo is to strong and can cause skin problems. 

Alternatively you can book your dog in for a mid way bath, dry and nails (see my Services page). 


Should I walk my dog before or after their groom ? 

I recommend that a dog is given a little walk before their groom so they can relieve themselves and get rid of any exces energy, however I do not recomend long walks as they will be to tired to stand during their groom. I would appreciate it if  dogs do not come in plastered infresh  mud as this will require extra shampooing and bathing which may result in an extra charge.Please try and bring your dog in as dry as possible as I need to brush out their coat and may have to pre clip before the bath, which I can not do if the coat is wet.

     Once a dog has left the salon it is best to keep them in until the next day, as the grooming process opens up all the dogs pores and can temporarily leave your dog open to pick up infections to their skin so I would recommend that dogs are only excersised in their own garden.Most dogs are tired after their salon treatment and appreciate a quiet and relaxed evening. 


what if I don't like my dogs new haircut ? 

Just tell me,I won't be offended. I keep a detailed record of how each dog is styled for this reason, I can only change things if you let me know.I have a photo book in the salon to help you pick a style for your dog or take  a look at my photos on my gallery.


My dog has just had an operation, should I still bring them to be groomed ? 

I would recommend that your dog is alowed to recover fully before they are groomed.Around 3 weeks. Always ask your vet when they would recommend.I will not groom any dog that still has stitches in after any operation. 


My bitch is in season, is it still ok for her to be groomed ? 

Yes, If your dog is well enough.|If she is under the weather then it may be better to re - book her when she has finnished her season.I groom to a one dog rule so there would not be any other dog in the salon at the same time, but she must be picked up on time,just in case my next one is a male dog. 


My dog has sensitive skin, can it still be groomed ? 

Yes, I have a large amount of shampoos, some are  designed to help dogs with skin conditions.If your dog uses a prescription shampoo from your vet, please provide this for use at the start of their groom. 


When should my puppy have their first groom ? 

I always recommend as soon as they have had their full set of vaccinations.A puppys first visit would inclued a gentle brush out, bath, dry,nails and a light trim around their eyes and bottom.By starting your puppys visits as early as possible they will get then use to the noise, smells ,surrounding and being handled.I always try to make the grooming experience a calm and relaxing one with lots of hugs and a few tasty treats. Most puppys find it so relaxing that they fall asleep during the drying stage.If they are started young then they won't dread their grooms as an adults.Older Puppys that come in for their first groom aged 6 months upwards  can often find the groom a little more  stressful than say a 13 week old puppy.


How long will the groom take? 

This varies from how much hair your dog has, their size and what condition the hair is in.The average appointment time is around 2 hours for breeds like westies, yorkies, shih tzu etc.


Why does my dog have to be clipped short if it's matted ? 

From time to time dogs come in for their groom severely matted.To dematt a dog from start to finnish is an extremely time consuming, painful and expensive.The last thing I want to do is to hurt your dog.I will always try to save as much coat as possible, I may be able to remove the matts and save some of the coat.It is kinder to clip the coat short and start again, this involve an extra charge as the groom will take longer as it is very hard to see what is skin and what is matting and clipping a matted coat will blunt my blades so they will need to be sent off to be sharpened.I understand not all owners can brush their dogs due to ill health, time limits and the fact that the dog wont keep still.I will try to work with you to find a short style that you can keep up together at home.


Why weren't my dog's nails cut very short ? 

Some dogs have very long Quicks in their nails, the Quick is a sensitive blood vessel. If the quick is cut too short it can cause profuse bleeding and extreme pain. I will only trim nails as short as I can naturally go. Dogs that get extrememly stressed or aggressive during this procedure will force me to stop for the safety of both myself and your dog, Leaving no alternative but for you to contact your vet to have them cut. 


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