Dogs that are not brushed will become matted.Once the coat becomes matted it is quite often impossible to brush out the matted hair, leaving no option but to clip the whole coat off.

This coat came off in one solid lump, like a sheeps fleece.  



 When a dogs coat is ignored or neglected it will become matted. Matted dogs will suffer greatly as pets may chew and dig at themselves If the mats are not removed,mats can become so tight that they can tear the skin,cut blood circulation off to the affeced areas,they can restrict your pets movement and cause skin problems like cuts, infections and maggots (esp in the summer).

           Matting is painful! Imagine how your head would feel if your hair was matted.Then Imagine trying to brush them out of your hair. Now Imagine what it must feel like for your pet. WORSE for your pet as matts occur in the groin area, armpits and around their tail, all of these  areas move when your dog moves causing the hair and skin to be tugged with each and every movement you dog makes.A dogs skin is just as sensitive as our own skin.

           If the mats are not removed when they are small they will become to tight to remove safely.When your dog gets wet the mat will get tighter and will pull their skin harder.The only HUMANE way to remove the mats when they get to this stage is to have your dog shaved.This  can put your dog at risk from clipper irritation as matts are very close to the skin.If your dogs private areas are coved in matts, these matts will be coved in urine and faeces causing further irritation and possible infection and rotting of the coat and skin.

         Once the coat has been shaved and is starting to re grow, the coat needs to be brushed and maintained every couple of days to keep the coat in good condition.


         Why not just take the dog to a groomer? I hear you ask.

Yes you can to have it groomed properly, but do not expect de-matting to be a regular part of the groom.It takes extra time and care to de-matt a pet, and you will be charged an additional fee on top of your regular grooming charge.Do not be surprised if a groomer will not de-matt, if the matting is to extensive.A caring groomer will NOT torture a pet because you do not want it shaved.




If you would like any advice  on how to keep your dogs coat in good condition or the best tools to use,I would be only to happy to help you in any way I can.    



How to bath your dog


Always brush your dogs coat to remove any tangles before the bath, any tangles left in will tightend after the bath making them harder to remove, also shampoo can get trapped in the tangles.


Wear suitable water proof clothing, as you will probly get as wet as your dog.


Select appropriate shampoo for your dogs coat type.

(never use human shampoo)


Ensure you have shampoo, jug, and towels to hand.


Place a non slip safety mat in the bottom of the bath.


Place cotton wool in both your dogs ears.


Test the water temperature and wet your dog down starting from the shoulders then move down the back leaving the head to last.


Apply the shampoo working to a lather starting at the rear of your dog and working your way up to the head.Cover their eyes to ensure no shampoo gets into the eyes.


Rince your dog from head to tail, working along the back pushing the water through the coat as you progress.


Apply a second shampoo then rinse thoroughly untill the coat is squeaky clean.


Rinsing the dog correctly is vital as any shampoo residue left in the coat will leave a dull, lifeless coat and prone to irritation.


Remember to remove the cotton wool from both ears.


Towel dry well, follow with a hair dryer.( If your dog lets you) 



 Did you know

Some dogs have coats with two layers: the beautiful hair you can see, and a hidden, second coat called an undercoat.This undercoat helps a dog stay warm and dry in cold weather and it protects their skin from the hot sun.


The poodles "haircut" was to impove their swimming abilities.The pom-poms were left to keep their joints warm.


The ear is the centre of balance and hearing and is a very fagile organ that needs to be cleaned carefully.



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