Oscar's full groom step by step 


The start of his groom.1st he gets his M.O.T to look for any sores,lumps,parasites and check his coat condition. 

Oscar is now washed in a shampoo for white dogs, then a conditioner is use.

A high velocity dryer is used to massage the skin then a stand dryer to completly dry the coat

One side styled, time to turn him around to do the other side.

His Nails are clipped and filed 

Next his coat is brushed out to remove any knots, mats or dead hair. 

 Next he is toweled dry to remove as much water as possible.

Oscar is now clean, dry and his coat is tangle free, ready to style with clippers and scissors.

Eyes and ears are cleaned.Ears are plucked (depending on breed).

And all topped off with a spritz of gorgeous smelling doggie perfume. 

 From this

To This In just under Two hours 


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